2025 Teams Page

2025 Teams (as at the 23rd Nov 2024 AGM)

Proposed Teams Structure For Next Years Season (2025)

From Santo Casilli:

I have thought a bit more about the new Teams structure for next season and I have come to the conclusion that 5 Teams is just too much to enable us to get an even spread of players that can contribute to the Team each week, so I am proposing to allocate all current members within only 4 Teams. I know all of you are desperately waiting to see which Team you will be allocated to so I thought I would not keep you in suspense any longer. Based on the allocation method adopted (current handicaps) the Teams are:

Watch this space as further details will be provided as they become available. A copy of the initial email from Santo showing possiblities, points etc follows:

From: Santo Casilli (28th July 2024)

To all Members

The Committee want to introduce some important changes as to how we play our golf games in future commencing in the 2025 season. We will be introducing LIV Golf Style Team events and some other changes such as introducing more 9 holes 2 ball ambrose games.

We are hopeful that these changes will make our weekly games a bit more interesting, spark additional competitive juices, assist those of us that have high handicaps to play as part of a Team environment and as such get greater enjoyment from their golf and most importantly to support your Team mates and win some cash along the way.

In general, this is how it will all work:

- There will be 5 Teams created with 4-5 players per Team (This will be dependent on the number of current members). The players to be placed in each Team will be determined, as best as possible, based on lowest handicap to highest handicap so that each Team has an even share of players with low handicap, medium handicap and high handicap. The lowest handicap player from each Team will be nominated as the Captain for their respective Team. The Committee will initially allocate the distribution of players to each Team to ensure there is a fair distribution of talent in each Team.

- Each Team can then determine their own Team name E.G. Red Devils, High Flyers etc. etc.

- Each week we will play either Team individual stableford events or Team 2 ball ambrose events. Other types of events can be considered but for now we will start with these two types of events.

- The normal $40 that is currently paid out at present in prizes each week which is the winner $20, runner up $10 and longest putt $10 and sometimes $10 ferrets will be discontinued. Weekly winnings will not be awarded to an individual but to the Team. The whole $40 will be awarded to the winning Team each week and distributed according to the number of players the Team has on that day. For example, If only 3 players are playing in a winning Team on that particular day then $40 is shared amongst the 3 players based on $13 per player. If 4 players are playing in the winning Team on that particular day then the $40 is shared amongst the 4 players based on $10 per player and $8 per player if they have 5 players represented on the day.

- There will be over $2,000.00 in total cash prize money in each season to be distributed to winning Teams. However, only the Team players playing on weekly game day will share in weekly cash winnings.

- The 2 highest accumulated scores for each Team plus the Teams number of NP, LD, LP and Ferrets will be added together and the highest Team score wins. NP, LD, LP and any Ferrets will count as 1 point each.

For example:

Lets say Team A has 3 players represented on a particular game day and Team B has 4 players represented on a particular game day. They are playing a Team individual stableford event.

Team A's 3 players score 18, 16 and 12 stableford points on the day. So 18 and 16 are added together = 34 points

Team B's 4 players score 17, 17, 15, 12 points on the day. So 17 and 17 are added together = 34 points

We then count the number of NP, LD, LP and Ferrets achieved on the day and each is counted as 1 point.

Team A gets a NP, LD = 2 points plus 34 points = 36 points overall.

Team B gets a NP, LP and also gets a Ferret = 3 points plus 34 points = 37 overall.

Therefore, Team B are the winners.

- Where there is a draw after counting each Team's two highest scores and allocating the NP, LD, LP and Ferrets points, there will be a putt off to decide the winner. The Captain of each Team will be responsible for nominating one player from their Team to represent their Team and contest the putt off.

- Similar putt offs may also be required to determine second and third Team placings.

- Points will also be allocated to the winning Team, second placed Team and third placed Team each week and the Team at the end of the season with the most points will be declared the Best and Most Consistent Team for the season and the Team will be awarded the "Perpetual Trophy". The points will be allocated each week as follows:

-- 5 points to the winning Team

-- 3 points to the second placed Team

-- 1 point to the third placed Team

- Where we play Team 2 ball ambrose events, same scoring method will apply. However instead of using the 2 highest scores per Team it will be based on the best ambrose score for each Team. As we may get uneven numbers playing in some weeks, the Captain of each Team will be responsible for picking who will be paired together in their Team to play ambrose and this will be done on game day. The spare Team player will play stableford.

For example:

Lets say Team A has 3 players represented on a particular game day and Team B has 5 players represented on a particular game day. They are playing a Team 2 ball ambrose event.

The Captain of Team A choses 2 of their 3 Team players to play 2 ball ambrose (form 1 group) and the third player will play stableford. The ambrose score at the end of play plus 1 point for any NP, LD, LP and any Ferrets will be counted to determine the winner, second and third placing. Although the third Team player's stableford score will not count, they can assist the Team by earning points from obtaining NP, LD, LP and any Ferrets.

The Captain of Team B will choose 4 of their 5 Team players to play 2 ball ambrose (forms 2 groups) and the fifth player will play stableford. The ambrose score at the end of play plus 1 point for any NP, LD, LP and any Ferrets will be counted to determine the winner, second and third placing. Although the fifth Team player's stableford score will not count, they can assist the Team by earning points from obtaining NP, LD, LP and any Ferrets.

- Team events will be played every week except for the following events which will continue to be played as individual events:

* 3 Club Challenge

* Matchplay

* End of Season Windup

- All member free game events such as the annual trip to Rottnest Island , the AGM and any other member free games determined during the season will be played either as a Team individual stableford event or Team 2 ball ambrose event. As they are free games no weekly prize money is awarded, however the Teams can still play and earn points towards the season end Best and Most Consistent Team award.

- The Open event will be played as a Team individual stableford event. At present all players who wish to participate in the Open pay $20 each and the weekly cash prizes are not paid out but paid out at the end of the Open and are distributed between the top 5 placings. This can continue but suggest that the length of the Open be changed from 4 weeks to 3 weeks and the 3 out of 4 best scores be changed to 2 out of 3 best scores to determine the winner. Also suggest that prizes only be distributed amongst the first, second and third place Teams.


- At present all Scrubber games are being played off the Blue tees. I am proposing to have some games played from the White tees. The Handicapper will decide each week as to whether we play off the Blue tees or White tees. All away 18 hole games will be played off the Blue tees.

- Where we get 20 or more players at a particular game the prize money for that game will increase from $40 to $60 for distribution.


- Some teams will have 4 players and some will have 5 players as we do have an uneven number of members. However as new members come along they will be allocated into one of the Teams that has fewer members by the Committee.

- We have 3 members that only play 18 holes or maybe 1 game per season (Paddy, Kevin and Phil) and therefore these members have to be allocated a Team. We propose that these 3 players will be allocated a Team on the day when they play. Their Team allocation can be determined by the President on game day or they can be allocated to a Team that may have fewer players on that day.

- Some players may not be happy with the team chosen for them so we may have to introduce a transfer type system where team members can transfer to other teams during the season if the player, they want to transfer with, agrees and that the Captains of each team agree. We can work this out later in the season in order to streamline this process.

- We have Andrew Ferguson and JP Bullard that wish to continue to play with us when they can but are not yet members and if they wish to sign up as members they will be allocated a Team. If not they are welcome3d to still join us each week when ever they can play.

- We also have some paid up members that have not played with the Scrubbers for some time and may only want to play only a few games per season such as Bernie Fernandes and Darren Woulfe. This is fine these members will still be allocated a Team and can choose to play when they are available.

- We have one paid up member on the injured list being Grant Thornton. Grant will be allocated a Team and hopefully when he is over his injury he can join us. The Teams concept will begin at the end of this season so hopefully Grant would have recovered by then. Wishing you speedy recovery Grant.

- Where we get guests wishing to play with us they will play as individuals, playing stableford, or will be paired with a member to play 2 ball ambrose where that member has not been chosen by their Captain to play in the Team's 2 ball ambrose event.

We like to see more of our members playing more regularly each week and hopefully this may inspire each of you to do so.

Let me know your thoughts and whether you agree or have any issues with this new concept.