Scrubbers History


After a rather pleasant (Hmmm) game of golf at the Wembley Golf Complex on the 3rd of May 1997 a group of us decided to formalise a weekly game and so the Scrubbers Golf Club was formed and played its first official game on the 10th of May 1997.

Members & Office Bearers Elected on 3rd May 1997

Peter Dean (President/Secretary) - Peter Zurzolo (Handicapper)

David Adams (Treasurer) - Richard McCulloch

Kurt Hansing - Simon Kong


For your interest the club alternated between Hamersley and Whaleback golf courses during the first two years.

The club then moved to Maylands GC on the 27th of February 1999 given the central location.

After sixteen years at Maylands bookings for more than 2 groups on Saturday mornings became almost impossibe due to a "Council change in policy" so we were told (this was later found to be absolute rubbish but that's another long story).

The club then moved back to Whaleback GC on the 21st of March 2015.

Members were not overly happy with the state of the greens and some of the fairways at Whaleback. One member (Greg Lothian - RIP) dubbed it "the swamp" and mentioned his Coach and friend was a pro at Hillview GC which had three different 9 hole courses. He advised he could fit the club in playing a different 9 each Saturday morning. So after a mid week practice round on the Classic course (by Graham Llewellyn-Berry - the then Club President, Greg Lothian and Peter Dean) it was put to Members who voted on the move to Hillview GC and the club formally started playing there on the 20th February 2016.

(at the time of writing this, December 2023, the club is still there)


Following are photos of each of our half yearly and yearly windups with some others thrown it

8th November 1997 6th June 1998 24th October 1998 Grains v Grouts 8th May 1999 5th June 1999

13th November 1999 3rd June 2000 21st October 2000 25th May 2001 20th October 2001

25th May 2002 25th October 2003 25th October 2003 15th October 2005 14th October 2006

3rd November 2007 25th October 2008 GrAINS 17 October 2009

29th October 2011

2021 Wind Up Araluen 2023 Araluen 2023